People management is a skill that is simple to learn but takes years to acquire. In this post, I am writing a crux of 10+ books that I have read on the topic. Simply put, people management has four dimensions:
Team Member Management: Assess the individual’s competency and accordingly provide autonomy. Unblock them as needed. Provide actionable feedback. Support them in achieving their professional goals and career growth.
Team Management: Give the team a direction and guard rails to ensure it works towards achieving business goals. Ensure the team is effective and efficient.
Peer Management: Have empathy for peers; understand their priorities and effectively communicate your team’s priorities. Work as one team to meet the business objectives
Upward Management: Understand the “needs” of the business and management and proactively work towards meeting those needs. Note that it is understanding the ‘Needs’ and not ‘Wants’.
‘Peer management’ and ‘Upward management’ are typically the least understood dimensions and new managers tend to miss.
Finally, work towards building influence and not hierarchy.